Best, Margaret A.
Best, Margaret A. Rochester, NY Passed away on January 17, 20201 at age 68. All Funeral Services for Margaret will be held privately.
Best, Margaret A. Rochester, NY Passed away on January 17, 20201 at age 68. All Funeral Services for Margaret will be held privately.
Frost, Kathleen J. Canandaigua, NY Passed away on January 16, 20201 at age 75. All Funeral Services for Kathleen will be held privately.
Kurzawski, Carl R. Philadelphia, PA Passed away on January 14, 20201 at age 90. All Funeral Services for Carl were held privately. Interment St. Patrick’s Cemetery (Victor, NY).
Brant, Lucille A. Victor, NY Passed away on January 12, 2021 at age 83. Lucille Brant was born September 17, 1937. She married James Brant July 4, 1957. Lucille is predeceased by father, Lawrence Pardo [...]
Soble, Rochelle Brighton, NY Married for 63 years, Rochelle and David Soble, both of Rochester, died three days apart due to various illnesses. They were married on May 18, 1957, at the Sheraton Hotel in [...]
Rice, Michael R. Rochester, NY Michael R. Rice - born April 18, 1950, died January 10, 2021 at the age of 70. He was predeceased by his parents Dick H. and Wilma (Peet) Rice. He [...]
Kathleen M. Brady Victor, NY Passed away on January 9, 2021 at age 92. She was predeceased her parents Walton and Ruth Brady; brother Walton and sister-in-law Elizabeth Brady. Kathleen is survived by brother Edward [...]
Kukura, Virginia R. Rochester, NY Passed away on January 9, 20201 at age 95. All Funeral Services for Virginia will be held privately.
Soble, David M. Brighton, NY Married for 63 years, Rochelle and David Soble, both of Rochester, died three days apart due to various illnesses. They were married on May 18, 1957, at the Sheraton Hotel [...]
ROBERT B. MARTIN D.D.S. Canandaigua, NY Passed January 2, 2021 at age 92 after a brief illness. Survived by daughter Melinda Brusky, Tempe AZ, niece Kim Judd, Springwater NY, nephew Martin VanDuzer, Webster NY, and [...]